School Festival Day 2

ok so this was more like a festival today... there were booths of people selling a lot of food, games, exhibitions (everything from photography, to giant cardboard gundams to flower arrangements) musical and dance performances (inluding my performance with other english teachers which went well). it was really a lot of fun! i wish it lasted longer bc there was so much to do and see that i didnt get to really eat any of the good food and take as many photographs as i would have liked to. i was really amazed with not only how much effort was put into this but also with how many different talents the students have! it was really a fun day and i get monday off bc i had to "work" on saturday! i wanna have more work days like that!! anyway, check out the photos...

more photos...
Evan, Japan looks so cool. I really have to go there one day. Every thing there makes me smile. Hope you are having a great time. (BTW, why do all the girls look so hot. Like, I know they are high schoolers and everything, but damn.)
- Kevin, from UM.
haha. good to hear from you. well if it makes you feel any better, it is just a combination of the uniforms/costumes and my excellent camera skills.
if you (or anyone else) ever make it over here, let me know!
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