Kyoto: Day 3

I knew it was going to be a good day when I woke up to Carolina Blue skies and I was really excited about going back to Kinkakujin and Ryoanji. I had been to these places summer but was expecting big things this time since it was
autumn and I wasn't disappointed. The fall leaves were out in full force and extremely beautiful. I will just let the photos speak for themselves.


Next I went to Ninanji which just like everything else I had seen was really nice and nothing less than amazing.


That night I went to a "light up" show of Zenrenji. Actually I got there at 400 and the places closes at 5 and reopens again at 530, but i decided to dish out the 1000 yen for one hour of daylight i had left. I wish I had got there earlier bc as far as autumn goes this place had the best I had seen anywhere else in Kyoto. If it weren't for the 1000 yen entry fee (and the fact it is the total opposite direction of where i was going the next day) I would have gone again but I figured just going to the "light up" show for 500 yen would be good enough. i had learned from the last one i went to that these things tend to get a little crowded so with that in mind i kind of scouted out where i was going to go first and pretty much went about the route backwards and started out and stayed most of the time at the lake. anyway, this light up show was much better than the famed kiyomizudera in my humble opinion...

as always, check out the gallery for more photos.
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