Awesome wkd Part III: Things are still just cooler here...
so remember how I was saying that things are just cooler here? well once again I have a great example. There is this store called Yodobashi Camera which can be compared to that of Best Buy in the US. Imagine a regular sized Best Buy in the states. OK now add another floor of the same size. OK, now ad FIVE MORE floors of the same size. That is about the size of the new Yodobashi Camera in Akihabara (the electronic, game and anime district of Tokyo), that has EVERY type of cool electronic gadget you can think of. In it's first month of operation 3.5 million customers were served (that means 3.5 million people bought stuff there, who knows how many people just went in and looked around like me). what a great place....
also I went to this Hawaiian Hamburger place called Kua Aina that I went to last year with some U of Sophia friends. They serve 1/2 and 1/3 lbs mouthwatering burgers that would be delicious even if I was in the states...... but especially after I have been in Japan for a while... If only I could get my hands on a military ID and go to Taco Bell!!
also I went to this Hawaiian Hamburger place called Kua Aina that I went to last year with some U of Sophia friends. They serve 1/2 and 1/3 lbs mouthwatering burgers that would be delicious even if I was in the states...... but especially after I have been in Japan for a while... If only I could get my hands on a military ID and go to Taco Bell!!

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