It should come to no surprise that my city (pop. of about 60k) is not exactly the most happening place in town; however, last November or so a new darts cafe/bar opened about 3 mins from my house called, "Niche." Up until this point of my life I have maybe played darts maybe 3 times, but I decided to check the place out anyway. The food turned out to be really good and after going a couple of times the staff started to become pretty friendly with me (since it was easy to remember me bc I am a foreigner). It turns out that the owner is one of the top darts players in Japan (and is pretty famous within the darts circles) and also happens to be a great cook. When the place was not so busy he taught me a little bit of how to play and eventually gave me my own set of darts (a set that would cost me about $30) and in return I gave him a book of my photos. Actually now, it is starting to become pretty popular around here bc of the really good food and decently priced drinks. So when I don't feel like going into Sendai but wanna go out, I have my niche.

On a packed night I when I was asked to teach some English slang to everyone I taught them "peace out," as slang for goodbye. As I was leaving the whole place yelled peace out to me and gave me the peace sign!!!
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