This past week the new school year started giving me new students and a few new teachers...but before i get to that you are most likely wondering what i have been doing recently since I haven't posted a new entry in a while.
Well after going to Tokyo the second to last weekend in March to scout out a location I will be taking photos of a wedding at in May, a week later I took spring vacation to the Kansai and Chugoku regions of Japan. In 9 days I went to: Osaka, Kyoto, Amanohashidate, Himeji, Hiroshima and Miyajima and I took more than 3600 photos!
After returning April 9th, I have been just trying to catch up on sleep, my photographs and start the new school year off right! I am almost done with the photos and I finally feel well rested so I figured I was out of excusing to put this blog stuff off anymore.
In the Japanese education system every year about 5-10 teachers change schools... teachers can request whether or not they want to change schools but ultimately the teachers really have no choice the the decision is made by the school board is final. It appears that, at least with high schools in my prefecture, that teachers stay about 4-8 years at a school and then change. So anyway, the new school year started off with 3 of my favorite 5 teachers going to new schools which I wasn't too excited about. It has only been one week with the new teachers but out of the 3 new ones I got, two of them I like and so far the other one is a little difficult to work with.
With my new students it is a little too early to tell because I have only had class with about half of them but so far they have been extremely shy and well behaved but I expect both of those things to change (the latter of which to change more) as the year goes on. I will write more about my students soon, on to my vacation!