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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Photo Show Update

Now that I have made a couple of posts about what is going on, I got another post about the apple store photography show I got coming up. Once again, if you are in Japan, the date is August 6th at 1pm (Sunday), so if you got nothing else to do come see it! There will also be live music as one of my boy students and one of my girl students will play the traditional Japanese instrument the shamisen. If you can read Japanese, here is the link to the page where I took the screenshot that is below!

Summer Festivals

July 17th was suppose to Shiogama's biggest festival of the year. Unfortunately, I wouldn't know because it was raining so I spent just a short time out and about. There were fireworks the night before but I didn't go, because it was raining and the same type of parade as before but this time there was some stuff going on at the sea port as well. Some of my students were doing a hip hop dance performance and the advisor asked if I could take some photos, so I went to that and afterwards went home. The dance was pretty good but I still think in general hip-hop and break dancing is a lot better back in the states.

The next couple days after the were the sports festivals, which pretty much just a sports competition between classes, for my schools. Each lasted two days and because of the way my schedule worked out, I saw the first day at the boys school and the last day at the girls school.

I have to admit, not only was I surprised at the enthusiasm and effort that went into the sports at the girls school, but I was equally surprised with the lack their of at the boys school...at least compared to the girls school. To be fair, Japanese high school girls have a ridiculous amount of energy and are extremely emotional in every aspect. You can't really understand this unless you have been here, but I guess it is a little unfair to the guys to say they weren't really into as much as the girls. Still though, it was a sports festival so I just thought the boys would care a little more than the girls did. Anyway, it was a lot of fun and I even got to play (more like was told to play) volleyball at the girls school.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Rainy Season

Sorry I haven't updated this too much recently, and when I have it has been pretty much just self promoting, but finally I got some new things to write/post photos about.

The rainy season in Japan is the most miserable time of the year. Yes, including the bitter winter with no insulation/central heating. Here are the two main reasons why. First of all, it is rainy everyday, all day, not just a quick thunderstorm and then the rest of the day is nice, but everyday when I wake up it is cloudy or raining and the same thing when I go home from work and same thing when I go to sleep. The second reason is the humidity...With no insulation/central air conditioning. I mean, in the winter, you can always put more clothes on, but in summer (at least at work) there is only so much I can take off!

Of course every year the rainy season is different, but this year in Miyagi Prefecture, it has been long, lasting about 6 weeks now. So I am READY for it to be over!

Anyway, right now is summer vacation and by summer vacation I mean the students don't have class but teachers still go to school and students still go to school for club activities and pretend to be busy which leaves me with extra free time. So recently at school I haven't had much to do so I pretty much just go to basketball practice, plan lessons, practice Japanese or work on one of my many websites.

There will be more coming soon I promise!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Just keep on coming...

Got another site to show you... Seems like I am working on everything but this site, I promise I got a real update coming soon...

anyway, I started using a free trial of something called smugmug to sell my photos. It is a lot nicer than what I was using before. Don't believe me? check it out for yourself and let me know what you think.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Apple Show

Between my new website www.japanphotoguide.com and school and apple store prep, I have been pretty busy lately and have neglected this blog. Sorry. Anyway, for those of you who can't make it to Sendai, Japan on August 6th at 1pm, here is a little sneak peak.

let me know what you think (if you think at all).

Saturday, July 01, 2006


If you are one of the few people who still check this regularly you might be wondering why I haven't updated anything in a while. The answer is bah bee boo bay boh dot com.

In August, I will travel to Hokkaido to watch the world basketball championship and I am taking paid leave to travel around Hokkaido, which is suppose to have the most beautiful, natural scenery of Japan. To make a long story short, I was having trouble finding good information about where I should go and what I should see so I thought, "I could make more useful websites then these..." So that is what I did (or I am trying to do). I don't have too much information there yet, but I have the design almost ready and the only thing that is left is to actually put in some information. If you wanna contribute(contribute as in just write a little something about where you went and send me some photos) let me know!

In case you are wondering why babibubebo...the Japanese language is based off of 5 basic sounds, "ah, ee, oo, eh, oh," and then they just had letters in front, for example: kah, key, koo, kay, koh or rah, ree, roo, ray, roh or bah, bee, boo, bay, boh.

Anyway, check it out and let me know what you think