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Thursday, October 19, 2006

More updates coming...

I realize I have had less and less updates as of late, but if you have been checking my other blog, http://babibubebo.com you would notice that I have been fairly busy there. Below is a graphic that displays the last few posts on my site.

Photographer's Guide to Japan

Since I started it back in July (OK, so last day of June), it has grown considerably. There are many ways to track how a website's popularity is growing (google rank, page hits, unique visitors etc.) but the one I like the best is that I can check ow many people have added my site to their favorites. To me this shows they like my site enough to want to come back again (duh) so it means I am doing something right. Anyway, here are the % of people that have added my site to their favorites:
  • July was 2% (I barely had anything on the site at this point)
  • August was 10%
  • September was 18%
  • October (so far) is 44%
So like I said before, I guess I am doing something right! Now I am just trying to find ways to make it grow even more and one of those ways is that I am looking for more contributors so if you or if you know somebody that might be interested in helping out or submitting photos or writing about places in Japan send them my way!


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