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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Rainy Season

Sorry I haven't updated this too much recently, and when I have it has been pretty much just self promoting, but finally I got some new things to write/post photos about.

The rainy season in Japan is the most miserable time of the year. Yes, including the bitter winter with no insulation/central heating. Here are the two main reasons why. First of all, it is rainy everyday, all day, not just a quick thunderstorm and then the rest of the day is nice, but everyday when I wake up it is cloudy or raining and the same thing when I go home from work and same thing when I go to sleep. The second reason is the humidity...With no insulation/central air conditioning. I mean, in the winter, you can always put more clothes on, but in summer (at least at work) there is only so much I can take off!

Of course every year the rainy season is different, but this year in Miyagi Prefecture, it has been long, lasting about 6 weeks now. So I am READY for it to be over!

Anyway, right now is summer vacation and by summer vacation I mean the students don't have class but teachers still go to school and students still go to school for club activities and pretend to be busy which leaves me with extra free time. So recently at school I haven't had much to do so I pretty much just go to basketball practice, plan lessons, practice Japanese or work on one of my many websites.

There will be more coming soon I promise!


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