I recently took a vacation to the northern most island of Japan, called Hokkaido. I learned a couple things on this trip:
1. Hokkaido is big, spread out and has a lot of nothing.... which translates into a lot of nature, beauty and delicious food (because of all the space for farms maybe??).
2. After being to Sapporo, I have found another big city in Japan that is more cool than the one I live in (next to) but maybe the grass is just greener...
3. Next time I go back to Hokkaido, I am not going to go by myself and I am going to rent a car (unless I go in the winter) bc while you can get to many places by train, once you get to the national parks or destinations, a lot times the good places are still spread out.

Anyway, Sapporo is a cool city and I am glad it is bc the weather wasn't as good as I hoped, actually it was pretty bad for the first 2/3 of my vacation, so I was glad that I liked Sapporo.

Sapporo has a lot of good food, they are famous for the miso ramen (Chinese noodles), seafood, chocolate, beer and something called Gengis Khan which is lamb. Also there are a lot of trendy and diverse places to eat, I even found a cuban restaurant! Like most Japanese cities, getting around using train and subway is really easy but a lot of the cool areas are within walking distance.

To be honest, bc of the weather, and not wanting to take a 6 hour train ride to go to some remote place that was raining, I spent more time than I would have liked to in Sapporo, but it was better than being in Sendai!

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