I recently took a break from the calm streets of Shiogama and took a relaxing trip to the busy streets of Tokyo. I was able to stay with my host family and eat some really good home cooking and other food that I just cannot find here. It was really good to go back to Tokyo and see old friends!

I was also lucky because I was able to go to the Tokyo Game Show which was the same weekend. I am not going to lie, I like video games but I am not obsessed with them like some of my friends and while I am glad I went, I most likely will never go again. Part of the reason why was just because it was SO crowded! Above is a demonstration of Nintendo's next generation console called Wii. What makes this special is the remote controll acts like a motion sensor so instead of pressing a button to swing a baseball bat, you swing your arm.

The venue where it was held was huge but around anything worth while it was like being in a Tokyo subway during rush hour. Above is close to Sony's new Play Station 3. I got close to one but I did not have so much time so I didn't wanna wait in a really long line to play it. I will say the videos of the games I saw were really impressive!

Finally what would any major event in Japan be without costumes (known as cosplay--costume play). Anyone who is even the slightest gamer should be able to tell who the above people are.